Agarwood Oil
Brand: Indian Aroma Exports
Product Code: IA-NEO-001
Availability: In Stock
Agarwood Oil is extremely rare & precious oil that originates in North Eastern India, Bhutan & parts of South East Asia. It has a very long history medicines,incense and as aromatic oil. Also known as aloes or aloes wood,there are several species of Agarwood, including Aquilaria agollocha, A.Malaccensis amp; A. Crassna.Agarwood Oil is highly produced in Thialand, India, Vietnam and some Icelands like Papua New Guinea. The people Engaged in extraction required a lot of wood ( Insecticidal ) and due to scarcity in Native placeS, South East Asia. But the only reason of distillation is the unsustainable Aquilaria harvesting in natural forests.Aquilaria crassna is now listed as a protected species in Viet Nam, and Aquilaria malaccensis is a CITES red data book listed tree.There are no similar species of Agarwood available, Hence this oil doesn’t have any substitute available. The traditional medical systems that have been using Agarwood oil for healthcare for thousands of years and canstand up on their own merits, adds up to the credibility and reliability ofthis essential oil.
Oud oil, Eagleswood Ud, Aloeswood oil, Kiara.
Carnation, Geranium, Sandalwood & Alcohol.
Sesquiterpenes, phenyl ethyl chromones, selinene, eudesmene, Palmitic acid.
Agarwood oil is the most potent aphrodisiac of all the essential oils. An effective tonic, its aphrodisiac & diuretic properties helps in epilepsy. It also has carminative, antimicrobial, and anti-asthmatic properties. Further, it is also Useful in digestive, nervous disorders, bronchial complaints, rheumatism, smallpox, illness during & after childbirth, fevers, spasms in the digestive and respiratory systems. It is also used in Aromatherapy applications as well as for therapeutic uses in a large number of Ayurvedic medicines.There are many people around the world who are facing various sleep disorders. Insomnia is one of them. It is most common sleep disorder that has been finding in the people. The Agarwood Oil is an Elixir for the people suffering from such diseases. It helps in reducing the tension & it improvises sleep cycle thus, helping people to achieve a quality sleep. “Bacteria” the main cause of Bad breath. The use of Agarwood Oil prevents spreading of Bacteria and if it is used to decay the bacteria of the mouth, then it can help to cure the bad breath.
"Agarwood Oil Price In India-Where to Buy Pure Agarwood Oil in India? "
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